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DEL Time: 12:58
Player Stats

  • Num, Name: Player's ID number and name
  • G, Mn: Games played, minutes per game
  • G, A, Pt: Goals, Assists, and Points (2*G+A)
  • Sht, SoG: Shots made, Shots on Goal (requiring a save)
  • Tck, TA: Tackles, Tackles attempted
  • Blk, BA: Blocks, Blocks attempted
  • Fl, Bk, Ej: Fouls, Bookings, Ejections
  • Avg: Shooting percentage (goals/shots)
  • Ps: Position

Goalie Stats

  • Num, Name: Player's ID number and name
  • G, Mn: Games played, minutes per game
  • Sv, Sht: Saves, Shots against
  • RC: Rebounds controlled
  • W, D, L: Wins, Draws, and Losses
  • SO: Shutouts
  • GAA: Goals against per 90 minutes
  • Avg: Saves per Shot
  • Ps: Position

Player Abilities

  • Num, Name: Player's ID number and name
  • Ps: Position
  • Ag: Player's age
  • Sh: Shooting
    A player's shooting ability helps him kick the ball into the net, and incorporates leg strength, shot placement, and kick accuracy. For a golie, this ability is shot defense, or his pure ability for stopping kicks. This will be a goalie's primary ability, and is also very important for anyone you want to score.
  • Hd: Heading
    Heading is the ability that helps a player control the direction on headed passes and shots. For a goalie, this ability helps him intercept high passes in front of the net (ie, would-be headers). This ability will be very nice for forwards and goalies, as well as a plus in general for all players because of the passing benefit.
  • Ps: Passing
    Passing affects how strongly and accurately a player kicks a pass, and is one of few abilities that is the same for players as for goalies. The importance of this ability depends largely on your style of offense. If you prefer one-touch or short passes, having a team of good passers is essential. Players with good passing are also generally better at controlling passes that they receive, so it is a good all-around ability.
  • BC: Ball Control
    The ball control ability affects how well a player can retain control of the ball when being challenged and how well a player can recover a loose ball (as in a rebound). A player with good ball control is also better at breaking up passes. For a goalie, ball control affects his ability to hold on to shots to prevent rebounds. A very useful ability for a goalie, and is especially important to a ball handler if using a one-player ball movement option. Also it is a generally useful ability on defense.
  • Tk: Tackling
    The tackling ability tells how well a player can take the ball from a player who is dribbling. It also helps break up passes, so it is overall a very useful ability for defensive players. For goalies, tackling is not used.
  • Sp: Speed
    Fairly obvious what this does. A player advancing the ball can do it quicker (and perhaps get a breakaway), while fast defenders can get back quicker. For a goalie, speed affects the range the goalie has for challenging shooters. A faster goalie can be more aggressive while being able to get back if the player passes. Thus this ability is useful for defenders, forwards, and goalies. Midfielders don't need speed so much, because they are not the first line of attack or the last line of defense.
  • In: Intelligence
    Intelligence gives how smart a player plays. This helps him to do the best thing with the ball when he has it, be it shoot, pass, or dribble, and helps goalies to better anticipate shots and passes. An all-around useful ability.
  • S: Preferred Side
    Most players prefer to be either on the left or right side, and perform weaker when on the other side. You probably want to make sure your team has a good mixture at each position, or enough players with no preference to make up for lopsidedness.
  • Tr: Training Level
    A player's training level is shown on a scale from 0-25, and shows a player's level of development. The 0-25 scale spans the whole scale from pee-wees up through the NBA. A solid college player should be at or above 10, while a seasoned NBA veteran should be over 20. Note that the level shown here is only a composite of the player's level of training at the different abilities.
  • Rst: Rest Level
    If a player is tired, he will play less effectively. Sometimes a player will get extremely tired during a game, enough that he is not fully rested by the next night. Any player below 100% on your roster has had this happen.
  • Rtg: Player Rating, a measure of the player's contributions (goals, assists, tackles, blocks, etc) per 90 minutes played.
  • +/-: Plus-minus=(points scored by team - points scored by opponents) per 90 minutes played
  • Injury: estimated number of games for healing; XX is a career-ending injury.
  • Rank: Player ranking (A through F) and preferred position. These use the ranking system used by computer teams, so given the lack of success of those teams these should really only be used by rookie coaches to get a general idea of who's good and who isn't, and what positions they may be best suited for.

Player Salaries

  • Num, Name: Player's ID number and name
  • Ps: Position
  • Salry: Salary per season under current contract
  • Bonus: Bonus per season under current contract and type (PR=pro-rated bonus paid with each game; UF=up-front bonus paid at time of signing).
  • Value-Yr: Value and remaining years of current contract. If between seasons, the remaining years does not count the just-ended season.
  • Reneg-Yr-PerY: Renegotiation demand, maximum years he will sign for, and minimum salary per year for long contracts. ----- under reneg means the player will not sign at all; - under years means he will sign for any length of time.
  • If a player qualifies for a minor league contract for next season, it is noted, as well as the number of seasons remaining. If he is not signed for next season, this is noted. If he cannot be traded (because he is no longer under contract or he was signed as a free agent), this is noted.

Team Stats

There are two sets of team stats: for and against. For stats are what your players have done; against stats are what you opponent has done.

The stats listed are the same as player stats, plus four categories:

  • CK, CG: Corner kicks taken, Corner kick goals
  • PK, PG: Penalty kicks taken, Penalty kick goals

DEL Cup leagues have additional categories at the beginning of the line: number of tournaments played, number of championships won, series won and lost, and games won and lost (which equals series won and lost because the "series" in soccer are best-of-one).

Analysis Notes

The analysis page breaks down a team's scoring, assists, points, shooting percent, tackling percent, and block percent by position. These numbers are also compared with the league as a whole, with a scale from 0 to 10 given.

Scouting Notes

The scouting notes in box scores list various interesting stats from each game.

  • What fraction of the shots are taken by strikers (compared with the fraction of minutes they account for). The strikers should almost always have a disproportionate fraction of the shots.
  • What fraction of touches are made by handlers and passers, compared with their fractions of total minutes. Depending on the ball movement, one of these groups (or both) should show a disproportionately high amount of touches.
  • Individual player notes show each player's percent of touches and total playing time, indicating who is on the ball the most. This section also breaks down the player's tendencies into passing, keeping the ball, and shooting. Completion fractions are shown for passing and keeping, results of shots are given by number (blocked, wide, saved, goal). All kinds of useful information can be found here, both for figuring out your own team's play and that of an upcoming opponent.
  • Goalie notes break down the difficulty of shots a goalie faced into easy, normal, tough, very hard, and impossible. The number of shots and number of saves is shown for each category. This helps tell if a goalie's 10/11 saves were because he is exceptionally good or because he only saw one tough shot.

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