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DEL Time: 11:27
Player Batting Stats

  • Num, Name: Player's ID number and name
  • AB: at bats (not counting walks)
  • H: hits
  • 2B, 3B, HR: doubles, triples, and home runs
  • RBI: runs batted in (includes runs scored on walks)
  • BB, SO: walks, strikeouts
  • SB, SBA: steals, steals attempted
  • PA, PM, E: plays attempted, plays made, errors
  • Avg: batting average (hits / at bats)
  • Ps: position
  • H: batting side (left, right, or switch hitter/pitcher). A "switch pitcher" bats normally (left or right) but is more effective throwing against opposite-handed batters. Likewise, a "switch hitter" throws normally but is more effective batting against same-handed pitchers.

Player Pitching Stats

  • Num, Name: Player's ID number and name
  • IP: innings pitched
  • H: hits
  • HR: home runs
  • BB, SO: walks, strikeouts
  • ER: earned runs (number of runs given up not counting errors)
  • Bt: batters faced
  • W, L: wins, losses
  • SV, BS: saves, blown saves
  • G, St: games played, games started
  • ERA: earned run average (9 * earned runs / innings pitched)
  • OBP: on base percentage ((hits + walks ) / batters)
  • H: throwing arm (left or right)

Advanced Batting Stats (sortable stats list)

  • Batting Average: hits divided by at-bats
  • On-base Percentage: hits plus walks divided by at-bats plus walks
  • Slugging Average: total bases (singles + 2*doubles + 3*triples + 4*home runs) divided by at-bats
  • Power: slugging average minus batting average
  • Extra-base average: (2B+2*3B+3*HR+BB+SB-CS)/AB
  • Runs Responsible: an estimate of the number of runs a player created, relative to a 0.000 hitter. The formula is: 0.714*H+0.286*2B+0.572*3B+0.938*HR+0.547*BB+0.69*SB-0.46*SBA
  • Offense rating: "Runs responsible" divided by at-bats plus walks

Advanced Fielding Stats (sortable stats list)

  • Play average: plays made divided by plays attempted
  • Fielding average: plays made divided by plays made plus errors
  • Fielding rating: an estimate of the number of runs a player saved, relative to a fielder who misses every ball hit his way. The formula uses hidden data (giving play difficulties) and cannot be calculated from the available information. To make this statistic comparable to offensive rating, the number of runs saved is divided by number of plays attempted, and scaled by the ratio of plate appearances to plays attempted typical for the position.

Advanced Pitching Stats (sortable stats list)

  • Earned Run Average: Earned runs per 9 innings pitched
  • Component ERA: Bill James statistic that estimates what a player's number of earned runs would be, based on his statistics. This is adjusted for starter/reliever differences and divided by innings pitched.
  • Pitcher rating: a blended earned runs score (70% component earned runs, 30% actual earned runs), divided by batters faced. This scales in runs per PA, similarly to offense and fielding ratings.
  • Opposing BA, opposing OBA: batting average and on-base percentage of opposing hitters
  • K/BB: strikeouts per walk issued
  • Winning percentage: wins divided by wins plus losses
  • Save percentage: saves divided by saves plus blown saves

Player Abilities

  • Num, Name: Player's ID number and name
  • Ps: position
  • Ag/Yr: Player's age (pro) or year in school (college)
  • Dr: Durability
    Durability is a bit different for position players than for pitchers. For position players, higher durability makes for fewer minor injuries that force a few games missed. For pitchers, higher durability will allow the pitcher to face more batters before getting tired.
  • Ds: Discipline
    Discipline primarily affects the number of walks a player gets during the season, but has small effects on clutch performance by both pitchers and batters.
  • Sp: Speed
    Speed is used primarily for baserunning and defense. For baserunning, a fast player will steal better, score from third on a fly ball, avoid double plays, and get the extra base on a hit. On defense, a fast player primarily has the advantage of covering bunts and outfield fly balls better, but also infield fly balls and ground balls.
  • Co: Contact Hitting
    A contact hitter means one who is good at getting on base. It is unrelated to whether or not the player will hit home runs (aside from the fact that a player who makes more contact has a good chance of hitting one out).
  • Pw: Power Hitting
    The power rating is used on a fly ball to determine how long the fly ball goes. So a high power player will get few infield fly balls, and get more outfield fly balls and home runs. Power is a two-edged sword, however, as power hitters also strike out more.
  • Df: Defense
    This is the basic defense rating of a player, used all times the player needs to make a defensive play. In all cases, the defense ability will be as important or more important than all other abilities of the defensive player; the other abilities (speed, arm) act only as modifiers.
  • Ar: Arm Strength
    Arm strength is used by all positions. For catchers, the primary use is in throwing out baserunners attempting to steal. For defensive players, it is used in defending bunts and ground balls, as well as the outfielder trying to throw a man out at home on a fly ball. And for pitchers, the arm strength is a rating primarily used in striking out batters.
  • Cn: Arm Control
    The pitcher with high control will not necessarily strike a lot of batters out, but will create easy defensive plays for his defense. Control also creates more ground balls hit instead of fly balls.
  • Tr: Training Level
    A player's training level is shown on a scale from 0-25, and shows a player's level of development. The 0-25 scale spans the whole scale from pee-wees up through the NBA. A solid college player should be at or above 10, while a seasoned NBA veteran should be over 20. Note that the level shown here is only a composite of the player's level of training at the different abilities.
  • BH: Batting side (left, right, or switch pitcher/hitter)
  • PH: Throwing arm (left or right)
  • Rst: Rest level
    If a player is tired, he will play less effectively. For position players, the a number of consecutive starts will begin wearing down the players. For pitchers, the number of balls thrown tires them out. A player at 100% is fully rested; any other is not.
  • GP: Games played
  • St: Games started
  • Injury: estimated number of games for healing; XX is a career-ending injury.
  • R: Redshirt status (R=current redshirt, *=past redshirt, X=neither, but has played, -=none of the above; college only)
  • S: Scholarship status (S=on scholarship; -=not on scholarship; college only) For incoming recruits, "S" means that the player will want playing time
  • Rank: Player ranking (A through F). These use the ranking system used by computer teams, so given the lack of success of those teams these should really only be used by rookie coaches to get a general idea of who's good and who isn't.

Player Salaries (pro only)

  • Num, Name: Player's ID number and name
  • Ps: Position
  • Salry: Salary per season under current contract
  • Bonus: Bonus per season under current contract and type (PR=pro-rated bonus paid with each game; UF=up-front bonus paid at time of signing).
  • Value-Yr: Value and remaining years of current contract. If between seasons, the remaining years does not count the just-ended season.
  • Reneg-Yr-PerY: Renegotiation demand, maximum years he will sign for, and minimum salary per year for long contracts. ----- under reneg means the player will not sign at all; - under years means he will sign for any length of time.
  • If a player qualifies for a minor league contract for next season, it is noted, as well as the number of seasons remaining. If he is not signed for next season, this is noted. If he cannot be traded (because he is no longer under contract or he was signed as a free agent), this is noted.

Team Stats

There are two sets of team stats: offense and defense. Offensive stats are the ones when your team is at bat; defensive stats are when your team is on the field. The only exception is errors. The errors listed in the offensive stats are those made by your players; those listed in the defensive stats are those made by the opponent's.

Team stats are AB, H, R, 2B, 3B, HR, BB, SO, SB, SBA, E, DP, ERA, and OBP. All but DP and ERA are identical to the definitions above. DP is the number of double plays (on offense is the number your players hit into). ERA is not earned runs, but total runs per nine innings of baseball.

DEL Cup leagues have additional categories at the beginning of the line: number of tournaments played, number of championships won, series won and lost, and games won and lost.

Analysis Notes

The analysis page breaks down a team's batting average, RBI rate, home run rate, defensive average, and steal average by position. For pitchers, the stats listed are on base average allowed, home run rate, strikeout rate, walk rate, and earned runs per 9 innings. All stats are also compared with the league as a whole, with a scale from 0 to 10 given.

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