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DEL Time: 13:58
Recruiting is the most complex part of managing your college roster, and consequently the recruits command is one of the most complex. Your recruiting is divided into a number of recruiting groups, each of which may have certain limits placed on them.

Following the "recruits" line, you should list the number of recruiting groups, the maximum number of recruiting points you are willing to spend in that recruiting round, the maximum number of scholarships you are willing to give out, the maximum number of players to promise playing time, and the maximum number of players you are willing to sign.

Following this line, each recruiting group should be listed. The first line of the group gives the number of players listed, the maximum number of recruiting points you are willing to spend in that group, the maximum number of scholarships you are willing to give out from that group, the maximum number of players from that group to promise playing time, and the maximum number of players you are willing to sign from that group. Following should be the players for the group, listed with ID numbers, recruiting points to bid on them, whether or not to offer a scholarship (1=yes, 0=no), playing time promise (0=none, 1=next year, 2=this year), and the priority placed on signing that player.

When recruiting runs, the players will be run sequentially, auction-style. The order will be determined by a player's talent, the number of recruiting points bid on him, and the location within teams' recruiting orders. Thus just because you want player A more than player B does not mean that player A will be signed first. To give greater flexibility, you may assign priorities to each player. When a certain player comes up for recruiting, your team will only bid on him if no players in that group with priority of more than one greater than that player's remain to be run. Thus you can wait to try to get your favorite players, risking not getting anybody at all.

Note: if a player is listed in two groups for the same team, priority will go to the highest number of points.

  3 20 1 1 2
  2 15 1 1 1
    574 15 1 2 0
    368 10 1 2 0
  5 15 0 0 2
    521  7 0 0 2
    1357 7 0 0 2
    76  10 0 0 1
    367  5 0 0 0
    946  6 0 0 0
  1  0 0 0 1
    364  0 0 0 0
will sign at most two players from three groups, with a maximum of one scholarship and one player promised playing time. The first group consists of two players (574 and 368), of which one may be signed. The second group has five players (521, 1357, 76, 367, and 946), of which two may be signed. The final group is just one player (364), who can be signed. In the second group, priority will be made for signing players 521 and 1357; players 367 and 946 will only be bid on if the top two have been run. Group 1 will allow the signing of one scholarship player and one player with a playing time promise; groups 2 and 3 will not. Both of group 1's players will be promised playing time for this season.

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