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DEL Time: 12:32
Request For: Pro Hockey
Request Title: Hockey Realignment
Description Release the Kraken and expand the leagues to 32 teams. I bet all three of us that like hockey would like this.
Category: Enhancement
Status: In Work (last updated May 29 14:15:49 2023
Priority: Short Term
Admin Notes Both hockey leagues are currently at 30 teams. This will require adding the Kraken to both leagues. NOHL also needs Las Vegas added. HEL already has Las Vegas, so I will add a central division team not currently in the league (e.g., Colorado).
HEL's offseason is the week before 9/11, while NOHL's offseason is the week before 8/ 14.
Submitted Oct 15 10:53:46 2021
by Coach Scarn
Coaches In Favor of Change: Coach Scarn, M McCusker, Ogie Ogelthorpe, Frank Hopkins
Coaches Opposed to Change: none
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