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DEL Time: 08:22
Request For: Pro All Sports
Request Title: Trade Block
Description Remove Trade Block entries after season initialization so coaches don't get confused with out-of-date information.
Category: Enhancement
Status: Completed (last updated Nov 26 13:04:04 2022
Priority: Short Term
Admin Notes Trade blocks are now automatically cleared during season initialization. In addition, trade block posts more than two weeks older than the most recent post are not displayed.
Submitted Jul 1 08:41:12 2021
by Jeff Blevins
Coaches In Favor of Change: Jeff Blevins, Coach Kahn, John Henry, Loren Smith, Steve Nunez, Pythagoras A
Coaches Opposed to Change: none
Coach Kahn (Jul 4 13:08:43 2021
): Great idea.
If possible, also maybe add a remove player from trade block function that will allow individual coaches to clean up their blocks.
John Henry (Jul 10 07:53:40 2021
): Perhaps expand trade block functionality so you can select via check box which players you want on the block and then auto fill their attributes in a list format in the email. Allow free form text for commentary or desired return? I know a lot to ask.
Loren Smith (Aug 31 11:39:34 2021
): I like John Henry's idea to make trade block management simpler.
Jeff Blevins (Dec 28 14:52:39 2021
): I think John's is an even better option!
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