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DEL Time: 03:59
Request For: Pro and College Basketball
Request Title: Shot clock in time-killing mode
Description At the end of the UNC-FAU game today in the CBEL tournament we see this:
N Carolina possession. 0:29 remaining.
Taylor inbounds to Smalls (6 seconds on shot clock).
FL Atlantic applies full-court press.
Smalls passes to Oates (left wing).
FL Atlantic applies heavy trap.
Oates attempts superbly defended 3 pointer against Lira. Not good.
Lira (FLAt) gets defensive rebound.
N Carolina: 68, FL Atlantic: 65
FL Atlantic possession. 0:08 remaining.
With only 6 seconds on the shot clock, UNC was able to spend 21 seconds getting their shot off.
Category: Bug Resolution
Status: Completed (last updated Apr 3 17:36:50 2021
Priority: Short Term
Admin Notes Time-killing logic (when ahead or trying to get the last shot) has been improved to ensure that the shot clock is not violated.
Submitted Mar 30 14:23:14 2021
by Stephen Thompson
Coaches In Favor of Change: Stephen Thompson
Coaches Opposed to Change: none
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