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DEL Time: 04:21
Request For: Pro and College Basketball
Request Title: Add tip-ins to basketball
Description We don't have tip-ins in dolphinsim, but they are very common in real life basketball. The tip-in counts as both a basket and an offensive rebound for scoring purposes. If a player is very close to the basket when he goes up for the offensive rebound, he should consider the tip-in since it's a high percentage shot.
Category: Other
Status: Completed (last updated Aug 1 16:49:11 2020
Priority: Short Term
Admin Notes While tip-ins have been part of the basketball simulation for years, the logic to display tip-ins was flawed so they were incorrectly displayed. This has been fixed. At the present, there is no change to the simulation's inner workings, though it appears the frequency of tip-ins may require a second look.
Submitted May 29 13:08:43 2020
by Stephen Thompson
Coaches In Favor of Change: Stephen Thompson, Coach Shers, Coach Hitch
Coaches Opposed to Change: none
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