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DEL Time: 08:51
Request For: College Football
Request Title: Big 12 Championship
Description Add a Big 12 Championship Game.
Category: New Feature
Status: Completed (last updated Oct 6 14:29:09 2019
Priority: Long Term
Admin Notes The Big Twelve championship game has been added, starting next season.
Submitted Jan 1 04:17:19 2019
by Johnny Gunn
Coaches In Favor of Change: Johnny Gunn, Robert Redmond, Ron BK, Michael Schoknecht, Keith Copeland, Coach Loria
Coaches Opposed to Change: none
Coach Loria: A temporary solution might be to create two artificial divisions in the Big12, assuming the championship game is a high priority.
The current Big12 coaches could be polled on this organization.
Currently, it seems the Big12 is at a disadvantage in terms of getting a team into the playoff.
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